There aren't any scientific studies we have found that tell us whether or not essential oils diffused in the house are an immediate risk for pets. This however is what we have found:
- If you are going to use an essential oil diffuser make sure that the pet isn't locked in that room. Either don't give them access to the room or make sure they are able to go to and from that room willingly.
- Make sure that your pet does not get into the concentrated oil before it is diffused. This can cause serious problems for pets. If this does happen it is best to contact your veterinarian.
- Cats and dogs both have stronger sense of smell than we do so even if it isn't necessarily harmful to your pet, higher concentrations of essential oils can be irritating to them. Also be aware that cats are more sensitive to essential oils than dogs are.
- There are essential oils that can cause problems for different animals, however diffused essential oils are not a problem as a whole. Your best bet is to know what you're using and ask your veterinarian if it is safe to use. If they don't know the answer they should be able to consult a specialist and find out the answer for you!
To make a long story short, there is not a lot of regulation on the essential oil market, so make sure you do your research, know what you're getting, and check with your vet if you're concerned that it might be harmful to your pet!
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