Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Another Wild Visitor

Today we had the pleasure of meeting another wild friend from Oaken Acres Wildlife Center! But first we have an update on our eagle friend! He is doing much better now and is eating on his own, he has been named Freddie! He is scheduled to have part of his wing amputated later this week!

Now onto our new wild friend, an opossum! This opossum unfortunately was in to see us today to have one of it's eyes removed that had ruptured. Dr.Diemer was able to remove the eye without complication and we hope this helps her live a more comfortable life! Here's some pictures from today!

Follow Oaken Acres on Facebook for more updates on our wild friends!

Before the surgery, resting comfortably in her crate
Look at those feet! Aren't they neat??
 Waking up from surgery
                 Resting comfortably after surgery!                


  1. All of us at Oaken Acres are so grateful for the efforts of Prairie View Animal Hospital to help some of our most challenging wildlife patients. This first year opossum was probably hit by a car that literally popped her eye out of its socket. One-eyed opossums can be released but she still has a ways to go. THANK YOU PVAH :)

  2. Thank you for the information Kathy! So sad about the opossum but we were happy to help!
