Thursday, June 21, 2012


PVAH is seeing a lot of seasonal allergy sufferers right now. We had a very mild winter, so the fall & spring allergy seasons ran together. There is unfortunately no cure for allergies, but there are things we can do to help alleviate some of the symptoms.

Pets with allergies should be on an omega 3 fatty acid to help with inflammation. This is especially true for animals on prednisone, as it will help reduce the amount of prenisone needed.  Aloe & Oatmeal baths can also help. Animals with allergies that present as otitis externa (ear inflammation) can be helped by routine ear cleaning with a gentle cleanser. Antihistamines may also be beneficial.

Remember to call the clinic for help on this topic. If your pet's allergies are in need of medical therapy, please call to schedule an appointment today!