A pet needing oral care is something we see so often around here. Heavy
tartar, gingivitis, fractured teeth, periodontal disease, etc. are a common
finding at routine annual exams. We also hear a lot about how horrible everyone’s
pet’s breath smells.
Daily oral care is vital in keeping your pet’s oral cavity healthy. As
humans we our taught to brush our teeth 2-3 times daily, floss regularly, and
visit the dentist every 6 months. Animal’s teeth do not receive this same care and
that can lead to tartar, gingivitis, periodontal disease, etc. There are
products out there that are easy to use daily if your pet does not allow
brushing. Hills & Purina both make a dental diet that is a large kibble
designed to scrub away plaque. Maxiguard OraZn is a blue gel that contains zinc
to reduce the bacterial count in the oral cavity. There are also enzymatic
rawhide chews to help reduce the tartar build up.
Even with daily oral care, routine dental cleanings should still be
done. Dental cleanings are done under general anesthesia. We do pre-anesthetic
exams and blood work to ensure your pet’s safety under anesthesia. The dental
cleaning includes an oral examination, periodontal
probing, ultrasonic scaling of teeth above and below the gum line, polishing
with prophy paste, and oral cavity irrigation with chlorhexidine rinse.
Until December 31, 2012, our periodontal therapy prices will be reduced by $50!!!
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