What is Stomatitis??
Stomatitis is a chronic, debilitating bacterial infection and inflammation of the oral tissues that usually begins in the periodontium (the gums and soft tissue surrounding the teeth) or the oropharyngeal area. It is caused by the plaque bacteria present in the mouth and may occur concurrently with gingivitis or glossitis (inflammation of the tongue). The cause is thought to be an exaggerated immune response to plaque in the mouth. Basically, the cat is allergic to its own teeth.
You may see your cat excessively drooling, exhibit difficulty eating/chewing, a decrease in grooming habits and extreme bad breath. Oral examination will often reveal severe inflammation of the gum tissue and cheeks along with tooth resorption. There are many different ways to help treat and control stomatitis, but the most successful is usually extraction of the affected teeth. The doctor may recommend antibiotics, pain medication, dental extractions, or a combination of therapies depending on the severity of the condition.