We have seen a few cases of leptospirosis (lepto) in the last few weeks. It is something we usually only recommend vaccinating for in dogs that spend a lot of time outside, hunting dogs, etc. The dogs that we recently diagnosed with it were dogs that lived in town and we considered to be more inside dogs. This has been a bit concerning for us, so we have started to talk about lepto and the vaccine more with every annual examination and new puppy visit. We also want everyone to be aware that it is out there and to protect your dog as best as possible.
Leptospirosis Bacteria |
The CDC has a great website with information about lepto and its concerns for pets and people. We encourage you to check it out at http://www.cdc.gov/leptospirosis/pets/index.html. Our webite's "petlibrary" also has information about it. Just type leptospirosis into the web browser to get a list of articles.